Dashboard documentation#
The dashboard is written with vanilla JS, CSS and HTML (and love). We made the choice to not used any frameworks like Angular or Vue.js... because dashboard is a very small web site.
This dashboard uses only two externals frameworks, which are TailwindCSS and Socket.io.
Socket.io is useful to dynamically receive events from Copilot and display them.
TailwindCSS is a utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design.
The manipulation below needs to be done each time we add or remove a class in html, css or js files in server.
This command line has to be executed in cogip-tools/cogip/tools/dashboard
Install npm
sudo apt install npm
Install PurgeCSS as CLI (you may need to be super user)
npm install
Run command to generate css file according to what we use in our html, js and css files
npx tailwindcss -i cogip/tools/dashboard/static/css/input.css -o cogip/tools/dashboard/static/css/prod/output.css --watch --minify
Useful documentation: