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Beacon Server#

The Beacon Server tool is running on the Raspberry Pi embedded in the central beacon.

It implements a Socket.IO server connected to the Beacon Dashboard.

The Socket.IO server listens on port 8090.

It also implements Socket.IO clients connected to the Socket.IO server of each robot.

Socket.IO clients consider that robot hostnames are robot1 to robotN, resolved by the DNS server or defined in /etc/hosts and their ports are 8090 + robot_id.

Run Server#

$ cogip-server-beacon


Beacon Server default parameters can be modified using command line options or environment variables:

$ cogip-server --help
Usage: cogip-server [OPTIONS]

  --max-robots                    Maximum number of robots to detect (from 1 to max)
                                  env var: SERVER_BEACON_MAX_ROBOTS
                                  default: 4; x>=1

  --record-dir PATH               Directory where games will be recorded
                                  env var: SERVER_BEACON_RECORD_DIR
                                  default: /var/tmp/cogip

  -r, --reload                    Reload app on source file changes
                                  env var: COGIP_RELOAD, SERVER_BEACON_RELOAD

  -d, --debug                     Turn on debug messages
                                  env var: COGIP_DEBUG, SERVER_BEACON_DEBUG